A Carols Night and a Special Debut - The Mayflower Singers

Mayflower Brighton celebrated Christmas with a bang this year – with one very special group of performers.
To begin the evening, ‘The Mayflower Singers’ made their debut, singing 5 popular carols they each picked. Each song had a resident leading vocals, with support from their choir and vocals and keys by Registered Music Therapist, Zita.
The evening continued with a performance from regular entertainer Mandy who is, and a special guest appearance from Santa.
Carolers were each given electric candles, to sway along to crowd favourites, such as Silent Night and Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.
The room was filled with residents and their loved ones, with many team members coming along and dressing up in festive colour for the night.

Pictured above: Denise leads favourite of many Christmas carol enthusiasts, Silent Night - and the choir and crowd join in.

Pictured above: Elizabeth connects with the audience while singing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!"

Pictured above: The Mayflower Singers are united in spirit, colour and song.