Ageism: Let's Fight Against It

Sadly, in Australia and across the world, ageism remains one of the most widely accepted forms of prejudice.
According to recent research, 1 in 2 people globally are ageists. This statistic is shocking, revealing that half of the world’s population holds negative perceptions about ageing and older people. Such attitudes can deeply impact the well-being and inclusion of older generations, making them feel undervalued and overlooked.
But there is hope for change.
October 9, 2024 is Ageism Awareness Day, and through the efforts of the Every Age Counts campaign, Australia is taking a stand and leading the way in challenging these harmful stereotypes and biases.
The campaign aims to reshape how we view ageing and ensure that every individual, regardless of age, is treated with dignity and respect. While this is an inspiring step forward, it’s important to recognise that cultural and social change takes time. Shifting mindsets and attitudes is a long journey, but it’s a journey worth embarking on.
At Mayflower, we strongly believe that ending ageism requires collective effort. We must all work together to challenge ageist attitudes in our daily lives, whether at home, in our communities, or in the workplace.
By raising awareness and actively addressing ageist behaviours, we can start creating an environment where everyone feels valued and respected, no matter their age. Unfortunately, ageism is still highly tolerated, but that doesn't mean it should be accepted.
It's time to say yes to ageing and no to ageism. Together, we can help build a more inclusive society where age is celebrated, not feared.
Take the Quiz!
Are you an ageist? Take this interactive quiz to find out and join us in the fight to end ageism once and for all.
End Ageism.
In our communities, ageism is highly tolerated, but it shouldn't be.
So, it’s time to say yes to ageing and no to ageism. It’s time to end ageism.