COVID-19 Vaccine

New Fact Sheet Available - COVID-19 Vaccination in Aged Care
The Federal Government has announced the intention to roll-out the COVID-19 vaccine to all Australians with the first phase of the roll-out due to begin from late February.
Residential aged care workers and residents will be among the first people who can choose to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.
The Department of Health has developed a fact sheet for aged care residents and their families about the vaccination program, with more information expected in coming weeks.
COVID-19 vaccination is voluntary, but strongly encouraged
The government has advised that COVID-19 vaccines will be safe, free and voluntary for everyone living in Australia. The Australian Government and Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) strongly encourages everyone to get vaccinated.
COVID-19 vaccination for frail elderly people over 85 years of age
The government has advised that specific advice for frail elderly people on receiving the COVID-19 vaccine will be provided by the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI).
The TGA have advised the potential benefits of vaccination versus the potential risk and clinical impact of even relatively mild systemic adverse events in the frail elderly should be carefully assessed on a case-by-case basis. Residents and/or their families, representatives and carers can talk to their GP or a health professional about the COVID-19 vaccines.
Further information
Further details are expected in coming weeks, including information on:
- The vaccine rollout, including what will happen on the day of vaccination
- Obtaining and recording consent and registering vaccinations
- Vaccination for family, representatives and carers who are regular visitors and provide key support to residents
More information regarding the vaccine, including vaccine safety and effectiveness, is available at on the Department of Health’s COVID-19 vaccines website. You can also call the National Coronavirus Helpline on 1800 020 080.