Footy Legends

Our Annual AFL Grand Final parties at Mayflower provided the perfect lead-in to the big day that saw Melbourne win against the Bulldogs after a 57-year wait.
The people of Mayflower Brighton enjoyed their memorable afternoon in the sunshine – with an AFL party.
A handball game saw friendships being strengthened and laughter that could be heard for miles.

Bombers fan John was excited to have his name added to the official Footy Tipping plaque once again - his third win! John is seen pictured here with lifestyle coordinator, Helen.
Team colour was abounding - with residents supporting their teams in footy scarves and cheer - eagerly awaiting the results of the big day ahead.
The fun-filled afternoon at Mayflower Reservoir was bursting with enthusiasm from avid footy fans and supporters alike.
Everyone dressed in team colours, and banded together, in social-distance style, to enjoy some traditional footy games.
Dressing in team colours also helps inspire conversation and reminiscence, strengthening bonds across the residence.
Physios, occupational therapists, and nurses also joined in the fun across Mayflower, which concluded with a traditional Aussie ‘footy feast,’ of pies and footy franks.
Watch the video below to see some fun video footage of the special day.
Footy Legends Across Mayflower
Our Annual AFL Grand Final parties at Mayflower provided the perfect lead-in to the big day that saw Melbourne win against the Bulldogs after a 57-year wait.