Give a Little, Gain a Lot

Your opportunity to join the lively Mayflower Brighton Volunteer team is here!
As a Mayflower volunteer, you’ll be joining a friendly, multi-cultural and caring team of people who give their time to support the Mayflower Community.
You will also feel rewarded knowing that you have made a difference in the lives of people in our care.
We are looking for more marvellous volunteers to fill various roles.

Gift Shop - Our beautiful Gift Shop at Mayflower Brighton is in urgent need of some more amazing volunteers to help keep it running. All you need is a welcoming smile! Learn more
Gardening - There is something special about the tranquillity and mindfulness of gardening. Potting some blooms or veggies with a garden-loving resident or two will really make their day.
Lifestyle Activities - Helping with craft group, reading with and to residents, running Bingo, and walking groups.
Cooking - Are you known for making the best lasagne or have a secret meringue recipe? Share your cooking skills with residents who love to cook.
Companionship - This includes having a cuppa and a chat, building new connections, and forming some extraordinary friendships.
Do you speak another language? For many residents living with dementia, speaking in their mother tongue can be a true comfort.
Music, Dancing and Singing - Providing musical entertainment, either in a small group setting or during one of our special occasions. You might even like to host a singalong!
Pampering – Love to pamper people? You may enjoy painting nails and giving gentle hand massages.
Mini-bus Driver - Community outings on our mini-buses are the hottest ticket in town, and demand for more outings has grown. To help keep up with the demand, and put the well-being of residents first, we invite you to join our team of volunteers as a mini-bus driver.
Let us know if you have a particular interest or hobby you think residents might enjoy doing with you!
We love our volunteers, so if you have the time and passion, and want to give back to the community we welcome you.
You’ll have the opportunity to work with residents and have a real impact on their lives while achieving a sense of satisfaction for yourself, too.
To join us or find out more information, please call and speak to Mayflower Brighton on 1300 522 273 or send an email to