Let's Talk Baby Turtles

Our Mayflower Brighton family continues to grow, with some new, more scalier friends.
Gary, our Environmental Services Manager has a turtle that is celebrating its 21st birthday this year and he continues to be amazed at the joy one small creature can bring.

Pictured above: It's quite clear - Lorne enjoys visiting the baby turtles every chance she gets.
Seeing the pleasure his turtle brought his own family, Gary wanted to bring that same joy to his ‘Mayflower Family’.
Gary believes that having pets around the home can disrupt your day in a very positive way,
“I wanted to bring something that can break up the ‘every day,’ and I thought what better way than to have some turtles?” says Gary,
Prue and Eddie – a male and female turtle duo from Tasmania – live in Gary’s office at Mayflower Brighton.
They share a tank with some fish, including one that helps keep the tank clean, “he’s the cleaner,” says Gary.
Residents have been delighted to see that the turtles aren’t living up to their slow and steady reputation. They are constantly zipping around the tank, and are growing at a very fast pace indeed.
Prue and Eddie were the size of a 50c coin in March and had doubled in size just 6 weeks later.
Watch the video below, as Lorne enjoys her time visiting our new, adorable pets.
Mayflower Brighton's Baby Turtles
Meet Prue and Eddie – a male and female turtle duo from Tasmania.
Watch this video, as Lorne enjoys her time visiting our new, adorable pets.