Mini Dreams Do Come True!

Graham, a much-loved resident of Mayflower Brighton was recently granted a wish, to get behind the wheel a modern Mini Cooper S!

Graham, enjoying his moment behind the wheel of the zippy Mini Cooper S!
Graham has always loved Minis. Grahams first car was a Royal Blue Morris Minor, complete with a copper fire extinguisher and carpet flooring (an ‘extra’ in the day!). An example is pictured below.
Teresa, Lifestyle Coordinator, heard of Graham’s passion for all things Mini and couldn’t wait to surprise Graham with some fun in her own recently purchased Mini Cooper S.
Teresa brought the car into work, so Graham could spend some time exploring the Mini, with a joy ride around town planned in the very near future.
As you can see in the photos, Graham really enjoyed himself and was all smiles on the day and a week later is still talking about it. Graham says, “Oh I loved it! I used to own a Morris Minor, it was a lot of fun. A Mini Cooper and my Morris Minor were sitting at the lights, and the Mini Cooper took off leaving me for dead! My Morris Minor could only go a maximum 60miles an hour (90kms an hour) but it was a lot of fun to drive.”

Graham is all smiles behind the wheel.

A Morris Minor similar to the one Graham owned as his first car! It is even the same colour. Gorgeous!