New Home Care Services

Mayflower has teamed up with Pascoe Vale Gardens Retirement Village to deliver new home care services to the local community, empowering older people to live independently in their own home for longer.

Mayflower now offers home care services from its offices in Brighton and Pascoe Vale. Village residents and members of the wider community are invited to visit Mayflower to discuss tailored support for activities such as cleaning and laundry assistance, transport for shopping and leisure, and higher levels of personal care.
Mayflower Seniors Living Manager, Merridy Schofield, said tailored services were available to help seniors remain independent at home, with a focus on staying active and well.
“Too often our world gets narrower as we age. Mayflower services are designed to keep the world as wide a possible, for as long as possible,” Merridy said.
“For example, we can provide assistance where clients need support with cooking. We can also look at what is preventing them from cooking, particularly if it’s something they enjoy, to see if we can get them doing it again.
“If a person is unable to iron any more due to issues with standing, we can press their clothes but we can also look at exercise physiology to strengthen their capabilities and help them stay active.”
Services are available through government-funded home care packages or on a private fee for service basis.
Home care packages are now provided to individual recipients rather than approved providers, allowing consumers greater independence, choice and control over the services they receive.
“We can help eligible clients to access home care packages and will walk them through the steps to get home care services in place,” Merridy said.
Mayflower CEO, Rosa Ginevra has welcomed the partnership with Pascoe Vale Gardens Retirement Village.
“Mayflower has been caring for older Australians for more than 60 years. Our experience in aged care means we have the skills and expertise to provide our clients with quality home care that is tailored to their specific needs and provides peace of mind,” Ms Ginevra said.
“Our aim is to expand these vital services into the northern suburbs around Mayflower Reservoir and Mayflower Macleod over time.”
Mayflower Home & Community Support
1300 522 273