Relationship Expert Turns 90, and Shares His Top Tip for Happy ‘Marrying’.

Mayflower Brighton is privileged to have Don Burnard, a renowned senior psychologist and relationship counsellor, rubbing shoulders among other residents – and he turns 90 on August 25.
Don has a passion and interest particularly in relationships – with marriages a fond specialty.
Don is also a published author, with an aptly named book “Marrying. The Human Qualities Needed to Marry Successfully” - published in 2018 and filled with a life-time of wisdom.

Pictured above: Don in the dining room, while sharing his story with one of our Lifestyle team members, “You need to be honest and to have courage,” he says, “I named my book ‘Marrying’, to highlight the importance of marrying and doing it well.”
“For 50 years I have spent most of my weekends working with couples and individuals in workshops for adult education on relationships,” says Don in his book, which promotes a growth mindset.
“Marrying functions best when two people encourage each other’s growth,” he writes.
When recently asked what his ‘top tip’ is for successful ‘marrying’, Don said communication and honesty are key.
“You need to be honest and to have courage,” he says, “I named my book ‘Marrying’, to highlight the importance of marrying and doing it well.”
Happy Birthday Don, thank you for helping so many people through the years.