
Technology bridges language barriers

April 24, 2020

Technology is much more than just a communication tool. It can help bridge borders, bringing far away lands into your living room, and stimulate your mind in the language of your choice.

Peter Low Res

Peter relaxes in the library area and enjoys a good laugh while watching "extremely funny"  Greek comedian and actor Thanasis Vengos.

Mayflower uses technology such as iPads to enhance the lives of residents with a primary language other than English, and to deliver entertainment that reflects their culture.

Peter and Tony were born in Greece and love nothing more than a good laugh. With English being their second language, the Mayflower team works hard to offer a variety of activities to engage them in their native tongue. Our multi-lingual staff are always at hand and enjoy finding entertainment that Peter and Tony can readily relate to, and preferably laugh along with as well.

Reservoir Lifestyle Coordinator Helen, also from a Greek speaking background, was able to find some fabulous comedy from several famous Greek comedians including the late Stathis Psaltis, who is still to this day iconic in Greek culture for his work in cinema, TV and comic theatre. Peter and Tony were in stiches as they enjoyed the show!

Peter also enjoys the antics of late Greek comedian and actor Thanasis Vengos. Peter said, “Vengos is extremely funny to watch!” or in Greek “Ehi Poli Plaka o Vengos!”

Embracing and honouring the diverse backgrounds of our residents helps them to truly feel valued and supported and we are grateful to be able to do this with the assistance of modern technology.

Tony Low Res

Tony can't take his eyes off the iPad, while watching his favourite Greek comedian Stathis Psaltis.