To the tropics and beyond!

Six of our intrepid residents recently ventured out into the world of tropical water gardens and lagoons resplendent with flowering lotus and waterlilies.

The Blue Lotus flower gardens were the destination for a recent monthly outing for residents from Mayflower Brighton. One of our favourite volunteer bus drivers, Nick, provided transport to the gardens, located in Melbourne’s Yarra Valley.
Residents wandered around the spectacular landscaped gardens taking in the lotus wetlands, the giant waterlily exhibition and walked over the beautiful arched bridge across Monet’s lake.
An abundant picnic lunch of sandwiches, muffins and fruit was prepared by Yaz Mizra, the Mayflower Chef and Food Services Manager, and his team. Residents took some time out to appreciate their delicious meal and have a pleasant rest by the lake before tackling some of the more challenging pathways around the garden.
Resident plant expert, June Kilford, enjoyed educating other residents on the botanical names of many of the plants featured in the gardens. The extensive gardens were a little large for residents to see everything; however, they are planning a trip back to the gardens in the future.
For some of our residents, this was their first Mayflower bus trip and from their feedback, it certainly won’t be their last. Our regular monthly outings are great for enhancing community connections and gentle exercise for our residents, in a safe and supported environment.
Other monthly outings have included a recent trip to Dendy Cinema, the Melbourne Immigration Museum and we will be heading to the Mornington Local Markets soon.
Residents and families are encouraged to contact Teresa Griffiths from our Lifestyle Team on 9591 1385 or email to suggest any places of interest that may be suitable for a future outing.