Top Tips for Hiring an In-Home Carer

Home care is an essential service for older Australians. It provides seniors with the support they need to remain safe and independent for as long as possible.
When the time comes to hire a home care agency for your ageing parent, it can be tricky to find where to start. Understanding what to look for in a care partner can be challenging if you aren’t familiar with these types of services. But making an informed decision is vital for ensuring your loved one receives quality care.
We’ve pulled together a suggested list of questions to ask when you meet with potential home care agencies below.

Interviewing Home Care Providers
Whether you are meeting in person, virtually, or by phone, make sure you get answers to each of the following questions:
- Accreditation: First, ask if the agency is accredited by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission. That’s important because the commission conducts reviews to ensure a home service provider is in compliance with the Aged Care Quality Standards..
- Screening: Carers are the heart of an in-home care provider. These are the people who will come into your senior loved one’s house on a regular basis. It’s important to know the provider’s process for screening and hiring team members – such as police checks and working history checks.
- Training: It’s also essential to ask about how carers are trained initially, and then on a routine basis moving forward. Regular investment in its team members is an indication of a quality home care agency, and some training is mandatory.
- Oversight: Unlike in aged care homes where supervisors are on-site, carers work independently in seniors’ homes. So it’s critical to find out how the agency monitors an in-home caregiver’s work.
- Emergencies: Just like employees of any type of organisation, carers get sick or have emergencies of their own. If that happens, how does the home care service handle it? Find out what their backup plan is for these situations.
- Staff tenure: While the job of caring for a mostly older population is rewarding, it can also take its toll. You will likely find a higher turnover rate than in other industries. But a low tenure rate at an agency might be a sign of a problem.
- Contracts: Another area to familiarise yourself with is in-home care contracts. Does the agency require a long-term commitment or is it more flexible? If possible, ask to see copies of anything you will be required to sign.
- Costs: A top concern of many families is how to finance home care for a senior loved one. Fortunately, there are government programs that can help pay for services. Ask the providers you are considering if they will assist you in exploring financing programs. At Mayflower, for example, our team can help you connect with home care funding resources that can offer support for your family member.
- Carer: Finally, ask how the agency matches carers with their clients. Do they take shared interests into account? For example, if a person loves gardening, does the provider try to send a carer who is also a gardener? Having things in common can help build a trusting and more rewarding relationship faster.
At Mayflower, our clients and their family members meet the Home Care Manager. They have a direct line to the manager should they have questions or concerns about their or their loved one’s care. It’s a unique benefit that improves communication and client satisfaction. Contact us today for more information on home care services for your older family member!