Trick or Treat?!

Trick or Treat? Witches or Goblins? It was spooks of all ages at Mayflower Reservoir’s celebration of All Hallows’ Eve, more commonly known as Halloween. All manner of spiders, creepy skeletons, pumpkins and webs decorated every free surface.

The lifestyle team set up a special Halloween transformation room, with a regular procession of Mayflower staff and residents entering and mysteriously leaving as zombies, devils and witches.
Mayflower’s Executive Officer, Aged Care, Robert, joined in the fun with his family visiting to celebrate with residents; including his sister Suzanna, niece Sandra and great-niece, Hanna.
Four-year-old Hanna was particularly excited to visit residents and celebrate Halloween, as she was allowed to leave school early to dress as a spooky witch.
Hanna loves interacting with residents, and courageously joined in the two major theme dance session that opened the party, a faithful recreation of the Michael Jackson’s Thriller dance and a hip-shaking version of the Time Warp from the Rocky Horror Show.
There were a few sneaky pranks played on staff by residents, all in good fun of course, along with some traditional trick or treating.
Resident Josef took a turn round the dance floor with Skeleton Bride, Lifestyle staff member Helen. But his partner Janis, in her bright red witches hat, soon cast a spell over him and they both enjoyed a spooky dance together.
When asked how she had enjoyed the Halloween celebration Janis laughed happily and said: “Everyone was crazy – funny, and the staff really made an effort to entertain us all!”
The celebration finished with a feast worthy of a house full of spooks. Pumpkin and fetta scones, cupcakes with bats, owls and eyes, and scary black cat and spider biscuits.
Monster lollies, vampire teeth and plenty of sweet treats filled pockets as Halloween passed for another year and the witches and zombies disappeared into the night...or did they?