“We’re All Mad Here!” a Bonkers Mad Hatter High Tea Party

Mayflower Brighton recently had their biggest and maddest event of the year – their Mad Hatter High Tea Party!
The day was bonkers, and oh so much fun.
Leading up to the fun day, residents decorated a huge array of black top hats, adorning them with an assortment of ‘bonkers’ items, like a table and chairs, feathers, tea cups and more.

The party kicked off with some delicious high tea.
Home-made cupcakes with edible “Eat Me” decorations, an assortment of tarts and tasty ribbon sandwiches, along with tea of course. (Because “there’s always time for tea!”)
Following this was a ‘pin the smile on the Cheshire cat’ game – reminiscent of the donkeys from years ago. This game had residents roaring in laughter, as the smiles were often misplaced in the most curious ways.
Flamingo pinatas were next on the agenda – with residents and team members each having a go – hungry for the chocolate prizes inside.
To wind down the roaring party – the Alice In Wonderland chapter that inspires the fun day was read to residents, by team member Genevieve – while also pointing out the various characters along the way.
Our lifestyle team managed to bring many of the main characters to life, including the Mad Hatter, the White Rabbit, Alice, card soldiers and the very mean Queen of Hearts who occasionally exclaimed, “off with their head!”
The scene was set with various Alice in Wonderland-themed decorations, colourful teacups and teapots, and a stage set complete with giant mushrooms and a continually changing backdrop.
Many residents reported they had a wonderful time, especially June who continues to rave about the party, now weeks on.
“It was a truly wonderful occasion,” says June, “you went to a lot of trouble to make it really special.”
Denise also enjoyed the event so much, she took to the microphone and asked everyone to join in an adapted version of the song, “for they are jolly good fellows!’
Why a Mad Hatter High Tea Party? Why not!
The day is popular in the US and the UK, where many people get out in about in the Mad Hatter and Alice In Wonderland-themed costumes and enjoy a picnic or afternoon tea together – in the name of fun.
According to the UK’s Days of the Year website, October 6 was chosen to honour the original drawing of the Mad Hatter in Lewis Carroll’s Alice In Wonderland book. Within the book, chapter 7 shows him wearing a hat, displaying a sign “In This Style 10/6”.
Although the sign on the hat is really just the price to buy it - 10 Shillings and Sixpence, it was taken as inspiration to act a little like the Mad Hatter each October. For Australia and the UK 10/6 would of course point to June, however, this celebration day was first declared in America – so it is the 6th of October – and so it remains.
Did you know in the book, that the Mad Hatter is just called ‘the Hatter’?
We’re not sure why everyone else refers to him as the Mad Hatter. Most likely it’s because he’s a little mad – potentially due to the lead content that was found in hats from the 18th and 19th centuries, and when the book was first written.
"We're All Mad Here!"
Watch the video to see just how much fun residents and team members had during their Mad Hatter High Tea Party!