
Winter Woolly Knitting is on Trend

July 1, 2020

As the winter chills have well and truly set in, knitting has regained its popularity among residents of our Mayflower Brighton aged care home.

Beryle Crop

Pictured above, Beryl makes her contribution towards a lovely and warm knitted blanket for rescued animals.

We now have multiple ‘Knit and Chat’ sessions across the home and through the week, so we can cater to the increasing demand for small knitting groups - social-distance style, of course.

Keen staff members with different specialties in knitting and crochet, along with others learning the craft, teach new techniques and help residents with different projects along the way.

Some of those projects include a flower wall-hanging, cushions, throw rugs for cold knees, winter woollies for those in need, and blankets for injured or rescued animals.

Each activity is tailored to suit for different ability levels, all while having a cuppa and learning from each other.

What a lovely way to spend the afternoon in the warmth of home.


Pictured above, Elizabeth enjoys chatting with others as she knits the afternoon away.