Yarn Bombing Warms and Brightens Winter Days

A fun tradition that is starting to take hold in Melbourne is ‘Yarn-Bombing’ – to help brighten a winters day and bring a smile to a face or two!
Yarn-bombing began in 2005 when a young woman living in Houston, USA, Magda Sayeg created her first ‘Yarn-Bomb’ artwork when she put some knitting over her front doorknob.

Pictured here is Angela, taking part in ‘Yarn-Bombing’ a tree in one of our courtyards.
Magda received compliments from her visitors on the cosy doorknob, and before long she formed a group of like-minded knitters and crocheters who decided to join in the fun.
Much to Magda’s surprise, this set a worldwide movement in motion, which has grown in popularity over recent times.
The purpose? Street art, of course. ‘Yarn-bombing’ is used to help highlight an interesting tree, statue, or any other 3D object while bringing a smile to passers-by.
Residents and staff wanted to get involved at Mayflower Brighton, and put their knitting skills together, creating a lovely piece of art in one of our courtyards.