Allen, a Spritely 102-Year-Old Veteran, Loves to Keep Busy

We recently discovered Allen's passion for cooking.
Heather, our Independent Living Coordinator, popped in to say ‘hello’, and found Allen busily baking away in his apartment.
He was busy creating a delicious orange cake, from a recipe he found in his favourite daily newspaper. And, Heather was instantly charmed by his good nature.
“Allen is a delightful fellow,” says Heather, “I popped in, and he was baking a proper orange cake using real oranges.
“He was happy as Larry,” she says. “His only concern was that his orange syrup, wasn’t as thick as it should be. So, we added some more sugar to help it thicken.”
Allen is pleased with his baking efforts and thinks he could do well at Mayflower Brighton’s café.
“I’m thinking of getting a job at Perla’s!” he says – with a cheeky smile.
You can read more about Allen here including his 7 tips for a happy life.
Allen Gets Baking
Allen gets busy creating a delicious orange cake, from a recipe he found in his favourite daily newspaper.