Meet Oya – a Caring and Compassionate Mayflower Family Member

This is Oya.
Oya is a team member of Mayflower Brighton, and known for her caring, outgoing and compassionate nature – and her sense of style.
Oya Grew up in Turkey, before finding her feet in Australia and marrying the love of her life,
“I left my home country of Turkey and came to Australia by myself when I was 20, and studied English at Moorabbin TAFE,” says Oya.

Pictured here: Oya and Charles share a special connection, “Charles is always lovely and such a kind gentleman – he is one of my special people,” says Oya.
It wasn't long until Oya joined our Environmental Services team as a cleaner, and found herself finding ways to make Brighton feel a little extra luxurious, and comfortable for residents.
“I was decorating the place where I could like a 5 star hotel - making the towels like a bird and other styles, and using room fragrances. I wanted to help residents to feel special,“ says Oya.
“Just as I want to feel comfortable in my own home – this is their home – they need to feel safe and that they can trust us – and know they are in the right hands. Just like I want the little luxuries at home, residents do too,” she says, “As part of my culture respecting the elderly is really important”.
Appearances matter, and Oya is well known for ensuring she represents herself, and Mayflower, well.
“While I was working in the cleaning team, I still did my makeup and made an effort -keeping friendly with everyone – both on team and residents. I feel dressing and presenting yourself appropriately can really help others feel you respect them.,”
A new career
Noticing Oya’s vibrancy and attention to detail, Oya was later asked to join our reception team, greeting visitors and residents with her warm personality.
“I’m so happy where I am at reception and being able to talk to everyone – providing emotional support. Sometimes I wear many hats – counselling, support, friend, concierge, reception, admin tech support, and others,” she says, “I do my very best to provide a premium service, and to help residents and visitors feel special.”
And part of that premium service, is remembering the little details.
“I remember people’s stories and if they tell me they are going to the doctors, I make a point to remember so that I can check back in with them that they are OK.”
More than reception
Our reception foyer is more than place to check in, it is a social point for many residents, where new friendships are made, there is a listening ear and plenty of laughter to be enjoyed.
“Residents and family members come and we help solve their problems,” she says.
“During lockdowns I use a mobile phone – to help residents connect with their family on facetime,” says Oya.
“We had a resident come to reception for his regular visit with his daughter, however a change in guidelines meant she was unable to step inside.
“So I found a way for them to see each other without risking anyones safety - by using the mobile phone they could talk to each other through the window and still see each other,” says Oya.
Love what you never do, and never work a day in your life
Oya believes in loving your work, and finding fulfilment and joy in the little things.
“No matter where you work – you need to put your excitement and love into your work – otherwise, nothing will make you happy. Love where you work, and you will love your work.
Oya considers each day a blessing, and is thankful for being part of the Mayflower family.
“Every morning I am happy to come to work. It’s like my second home. I love Mayflower.”
For her work in 2021, Oya won our Employee Choice Award, for her kind and caring nature.
With her certificate stating she was nominated for her “Very kind and helpful to those residents and visitors in need in a caring and empathetic way.”
Oya at home
Oya has an equally busy and fulfilling home life, with two beautiful children and a caring husband.
”I have two kids. One is 11 and the other only 7, there’s no rest for me!”
Oya loves a little retail therapy, and finds her decorating flair spills into the workplace too, “I enjoy interior design, and arranging things so they look beautiful.”

Pictured above: At the conclusion of 2021, Oya recieved a Mayflower Choice Award, for upholding the Mayflower value: Compassion.