
Meet Sandy: A New Chapter of Care Has Begun at Mayflower Reservoir

June 27, 2023

At Mayflower Reservoir, we have welcomed a warm and delightful addition to the team - Sandy, our new General Manager.

With a wealth of experience, a genuine love for caregiving, and a warm spirit, Sandy has quickly become a beloved figure among residents and our team.

In this blog post, we'll explore Sandy's remarkable journey, her insights about Mayflower, and the personal joys and triumphs that make her shine.

Sandy standing in an outdoor area of Mayflower Reservoir

Pictured above: Our new General Manager at Mayflower Reservoir, Sandy. With a wealth of experience, a genuine love for caregiving, and a warm spirit, Sandy has quickly become a beloved figure among residents and our team.

A Passion Rooted in Empathy: Sandy's inspiration to become a nurse stems from her deep-rooted passion for caring, compassion, and hospitality. It's the happiness and satisfaction she witnesses when caring for residents that truly fuels her love for the profession. With 17 years of experience in aged care and counting, Sandy's dedication continues to thrive.

Mayflower: A Place of Care, Respect, and Value: Sandy feels incredibly welcomed by Mayflower, where the team radiates friendliness and genuine care. Sandy values the respect and appreciation she has received so far, and looks forward to working with her team, “I am excited to come to work every day,” says Sandy.

Insights for Future Residents and their Loved Ones: Future residents and their loved ones can rest assured that Mayflower aged care will not disappoint. Sandy affirms, “You will find plenty of team members who genuinely care and uphold the values that Mayflower stands for. It's not just about words—it's about living and cherishing those values every day.”

A Peek into Sandy's Personal Life: When the weekend arrives, Sandy finds immense joy in spending quality time with her family. From shopping adventures to cozy movie nights, these moments of togetherness bring her the deepest happiness. Sandy also enjoys hobbies like listening to music, singing, and immersing herself in a good movie. At home, Sandy is a self-confessed ‘spoiled mum’ surrounded by the love and support of her husband and children, “I love being with my family as we have lots of fun and joy at home,” she says.

A Journey from India to Ireland and on to Australia: Born in India, Sandy embarked on her nursing career there before gaining valuable experience in aged care nursing during her time in Ireland. In 2010, she made the heartfelt decision to relocate to Australia after getting married.

A Legacy of Heartfelt Achievements: Sandy humbly acknowledges her greatest achievement in life and career—her remarkable growth within the aged care field. Each step, from working as a Registered Nurse Team Leader, to Care Manager and now as a General Manager, has been an opportunity for learning and personal development. Sandy's resilience and genuine passion for making a positive impact inspire those around her.

With Sandy's arrival, Mayflower Reservoir enters a new era of compassion and excellence. Her commitment to exceptional care, deep respect for individuals, and infectious enthusiasm make her an invaluable asset to the team.

At Mayflower, residents and their loved ones can trust in the unwavering values that Sandy upholds—a promise she is dedicated to fulfilling.